
21 septiembre 2020

Classic NFS Decals for NFSU2

ATTENTION: as of the mod's release (21 Sep 2020), this mod is pretty much experimental since even though it works in a basic level (the decals themselves work with no problem at all), it's hampered by the game's current limitations; in this case it's the 128-item limit for menus which prevents from viewing and selecting decals past a certain point, so you will need to use the debug car customize menu (enabled via NFSU2 Extra Options) to apply many of the new decals.


  • 50 new decals inspired in logos present in TNFS and NFSHS, plus
    • 9 decals inspired on logos and billboards present in the Ideaworks3D BREW version of NFSU2
    • 7 decals of other Black Box NFS games fictional brands
  • Includes both black and white versions


  • Make sure you have NFSU2 Unlimiter installed
  • Extract the zip contents to a folder
  • In Binary 2.5.5 or greater, click on "Launch Binary For Users" (left big button) and open the Classic NFS Decals [U2] Installer.end file. Follow the on-screen instructions and save when prompted.

Used tools:

GIMP | Binary | Libreoffice Calc | Notepad


If you would like to modify and/or distribute this mod, please:
  • keep this readme file without any alterations whatsoever (in case of just sharing this mod around)
  • give me proper credit (AJ_Lethal) for creating the mod
  • Seriously, respecting those conditions is not hard at all. Unless you're terminally dumb or a shameless, talentless hack.

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